Wednesday, 26 October 2011


SPRING RACING CONUNDRUM. With Derby day only three sleeps away, and no outfit organised, I had a serious fashion crisis. That is, until I saw these gorgeous 1920's dresses at LEONARD JOEL

If, of course, I decide which dress I like the best and IF I win the auction tomorrow. Leonard Joel also has the most amazing fascinators and hats at the moment. I went down there today and tried them all on, my favourite being the one shown above. They are SO much better and less expensive (if they sell in the estimated price range) then anything half decent you could buy new. 

Of course, there is still my grand plan of making a fresh floral headpiece. I asked Flowers Vasette what flowers they would recommend..."we recommend orchids, phalaenopsis, cymbidiums or vandas as being the lustiest lasers. Roses are really hardy too!". I might save this for Stakes day. 

Tuesday, 25 October 2011


While re-reading Russh October/November 2011 last night, I came across a little interview with the people behind the Something Else /Ken Done collaboration.

The creators of the dress I raved about:
Natalie Wood (Something Else designer)
George Barnes (Something Else in-house artist)
Ken Done

The Russh interview:
What is your favourite piece from the the collection?
Ken Done: I love them all but I particularly enjoyed the Kaleidadone Kimono. Maybe I could wear one swanning around the studio?

What was your desire in reinterpreting the works?
George Barnes: To keep the essence of what Ken Done is in my eyes - which is fun, joyful, carefree art, rich in colour and texture. I wanted to adapt these characteristics into my work, for each design to look as good as I could make them. Hopefully it appeals to the generation that grew up with a piece of Done and to the generation about to discover his work!

Why did you approach Ken Done to do a collaboration?
Natalie Wood: We wanted to do a really fun collaboration for summer. We already had a theme, which was about this marine girl superhero character who protects all the coral reefs and sea creatures. So we were already looking at beautiful coral pictures... then we chatted about what sort of artist could work with that theme, and the Ken Done name came up. It was pretty instant that it would be such an amazing collaboration. He is a true icon in Australia so we thought we would launch the first of a series of high profile collaborations on homegrown soil. I also really liked the nostalgic feel to the project; it really stirred something inside people and there was a lot of reminiscing. I was really quite starstruck when I first met him, and to find ourselves in the midst of the Ken Done archives was truly magical. His reef series paintings that he personally showed me through took my breath away.

Sunday, 23 October 2011


FLORAL SCULPTURE AT ITS FINEST. The most incredible floral display I have EVER SEEN. 

I have seen a lot of flowers recently, as I am planning my wedding, but nothing comes close to the incredible impact that this hydrangea hedge has. I have had the first image printed out and on my pin board for ages, but I didn't know where I got it from. The other day I came across the source (caplan miller events) on Pinterest, it was seriously exciting. 

Wednesday, 19 October 2011


I DIE. Rachel Zoe's workspace is BEYOND MAJOR. 

To say I'm on a RZ binge is an understatement. I have downloaded season 4 of The Rachel Zoe Project from iTunes, and have watched them over the past few days while I address my wedding invitations (this involves ruling lots of lines in pencil first which is why it is taking so long). Although you see plenty of her life on her show, why wouldn't you want to see more? A peek into her office...


Catchphrases aside, Rachel Zoe has amazing style and an amazing collection of clothes. 
See more of her office here

Monday, 17 October 2011


ANYONE FOR PIMM'S?  It is the first day in SO LONG that I deem sunny enough to be Pimm's worthy. 

With today's temperature predicted to be 26 degrees, I thought it was an appropriate time to start mixing my summer drink of choice. 
Take a jug and fill it with ice. 
Mix 1 part Pimm's with 3 parts lemonade. 
Add mint, cucumber, oranges and strawberries. 

collage by me

Sunday, 16 October 2011


KEN DONE X SOMETHING ELSE. When I think Ken Done I think tacky, touristy, tragic. However, that all changed when I laid eyes on his latest collaboration. 

The ethos of Australian brand Something Else by Natalie Wood, is based on the merging of art and fashion. The brand collaborates with both emerging and renowned artists to create unique, incomparable pieces. Their latest collection, Submerged, sees Art Director George Barnes take Ken Done's coral reef paintings and digitally manipulate them into something new. The result? Fun, bold and colourful pieces with a vaguely familiar Ken Done edge. 

Thursday, 13 October 2011


HOW DO OTHER PEOPLE LIVE? There is nothing I like more then seeing how other people go about there lives. Emily Weiss, founder of Into The Gloss, seems to share the same fascination. 
Into The Gloss allows you to snoop through the bathroom cupboards of fashion industry insiders...and who doesn't love a good snoop? You will no longer have to fulfil your need for beauty tips by using the excuse, "I need to wash my hands", to see what lipstick your friends friend wears. What? I'm the only person that does that??!

Photos from (another fantastic personal style blog). 


FRESH FLOWER FLORAL HEADPIECE. Although I am yet to actually do-it-myself, I certainly plan on trying to make a headpiece for the upcoming Spring Racing Carnival. 

I will have to look into what flowers can survive the possible high heat/hail (never know what the weather will do). 

Main image by Nicole Bentley for Vogue Australia October 2010. 
Others unknown. 

Wednesday, 12 October 2011


WHAT IS LEONARD AND WHY IS IT IN MY LETTER BOX? Five questions with John Albrecht. 

When a newspaper called 'Leonard' arrived in my letter box I was intrigued. It was published by auction house Leonard Joel, a place I knew you could score a bargain at the weekly auction, buy a second-hand Hermes Birkin or admire antiques. All interesting (and even exciting on auction day), but Leonard Joel never came to mind when thinking about the latest inspiring design. After all, it is where my Uncle shops. So what was this visually appealing, aesthetically pleasing newspaper/design magazine hybrid doing in my letter box? I decided to contact John Albrecht, managing director, to find out a little about his role and why Leonard Joel seemed to be changing its image.

1. What path led you to your role as Managing Director of Leonard Joel? I was born in to the art and antiques industry. My family owned Kozminsky. But you don’t fall in love with an industry that you are born in to. You grow to love things or dislike things and I grew to love my industry – I could think of nothing else more fun to do than manage this mini-economy of beautiful things for interesting people! My path was a disjointed roller coaster with no grand plan other than that I kept finding my way back to what I loved and despite various setbacks I always remained positive and continued to dream. 

2. How would you define Leonard? A magazine? Newspaper? Auction catalogue? Do you have a specific idea of what you want Leonard to be? We discovered that clients are tired of receiving the same old DLs from every auction house month in month out with the same old information on them that carries little to no value. We have collapsed the DL concept, supplanted it with “valuable and useful” content and as a subsidiary exercise still managed to provide clients with all the viewing and auction information they need. To us LEONARD is “our month” in a broadsheet!

3. I find Leonard very visually appealing; the aesthetic is bold and elegant. It is not a typical auction catalogue. What was your reasoning behind the design and layout of the publication? Our creative adviser Daniel Callan of Callan & Assoc. wanted it to be bold, atypical, content-driven and spacious. I trusted his judgment and love the result.

4. You state in your introduction that Leonard is one of many changes that are happening at Leonard Joel. What other changes will there be? Where do you predict Leonard Joel to be in 5 years? The fundamental changes that are well underway are a complete refurbishment of the business, both physically and culturally. Leonard Joel is about youthful expertise, new categories to collect and consider and ensuring that our clients experience both transparency and enjoyment, whether they are buying or selling through the firm.

5. Your article ‘the new collector’ expresses that “One could collect anything with a thematic logic and one was a collector”. Why do you think people like to collect, regardless of perceived value or importance by traditional collectors? I think collecting is deeply personal and primal. Collecting at its most basic level is about surrounding oneself with things that create a sense of physical security and comfort. I think over the centuries this desire to collect to create physical security became something more intellectual and sadly, sometimes (but not always) more pretentious. Collecting is now about securing a memory, stimulating the senses, celebrating a passion, decorating an interior, accumulating something other than capital or perhaps convincing oneself or others that one is more complex or sophisticated.

I believe Leonard Joel are being very savvy in their approach of making auction houses more accessible and sharing knowledge. I am assuming that to survive in a future of the mass produced, or even online auction sites, they need to attract a younger generation of people who enjoy the experience of going to a physical auction house (and enjoy collecting). They certainly have succeeded in catching my attention. 

Monday, 10 October 2011


MANIAMANIA. Pyrite crystal shaped ring made of bronze with silver two tone plating. 

There is an amazing video featuring Abbey-Lee on their website at the moment (full of patterns and kaleidoscopic delightfulness)...have a look while it lasts! 
Collaged by me.