Tuesday, 22 November 2011


WUNDER PLANT. Unique and unexpected floral arrangements by Amy Wright. 

The gorgeous creations above, created by Wunder Plant, are for a wedding at The Prince Deck. Like many other fantastic Melbourne creative people/companies, I found out about Wunder Plant through The Design Files. I will definitely be stopping by A Shop Called Milton where each Saturday Amy sells $10 posies made up of whatever takes her fancy at the markets that morning. Exciting! It's like a lucky dip! 


  1. These are amazing! Gosh I nearly got married at the Prince Deck but there were too many kids for that gorgeous pool they have up there :) thanks so much for stopping by Gild & Grace :)

    Abbey x

  2. Goodness - thanks so much for posting on my flowers - so lovely to know people are liking what i do! AMY X

  3. These flowers are really gorgeous! Have a fabulous day, Kellie xx
