Thursday, 1 December 2011


CHRISTMAS 2011. Present wrapping and photoshop woes. 

My photoshop has stopped working and my internet is being temperamental. The past few days can only be described as a total nightmare. It has caused me to want to go back to the basics of scissors, glue, sticky-tape and pens. 

I adore wrapping (and planning how I will wrap) my Christmas presents. Almost as much as I used to enjoy planning and contact papering my school books each year. Did anyone else spend their whole summer holidays thinking about that? For Christmas 2011, my first Christmas in my own house, I found this spotty hot pink tulle from Lincraft (pink is an official Christmas colour in my book by the way). Thought it would look amazing as Christmas present ribbon. 

Exhibit A shows the tulle paired with brown paper that I seem to have hanging around in excess and a silver tree decoration I poached from my mum. 

Exhibit B features silver cellophane. So effective. So cheap. Find at your closest $2 shop. I would even go as far as saying this silver cellophane looks better on odd, uneven shapes (rather then the crisp, even square shapes wrapping paper usually loves). Brilliant stuff. 

So I am actually devastated about photoshop. Because even though I'm not a pro at it, I could make the above photos look a little better, and be the right size. So sad.
I suppose I will have to get over it though.


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